Professional paintings can be made from your favorite photos. This is a painting done from a photo of our son. The day he got home from the hospital after finding out he had a brain tumor, he went fishing with some friends overnight. He wasn't supposed to do any heavy lifting and was to take it easy. He caught this monster catfish-reeled it in and posed. He had a great night.
For her dad's birthday, our daughter had the photo made into a painting. It was a nice surprise. This photo let us know that no matter what news he was given, he continued to live his life to the fullest. A subtle reminder that we must do the same.
The following Christmas we received this phenomenal masterpiece. (below) Our daughter commissioned as artist friend to paint a portrait of our son. This took her several months to create and is filled with many symbols and was truly made from within her heart. She knew Trevor and her long-time boyfriend was a close friend. Arianna also journaled her thoughts and inspirations as she worked on this piece. It is hard fro anyone to read without crying. She did such a fabulous job. I will add her journal below and also the names and some examples of other artist's work in case anyone is interested in hiring one of the contacts I know.